Hong Kong 客戶服務熱線 +852 9090 9082



1.1 您正在閱讀的法律文件是本公司與您(本文中的“您”是指“客戶”)之間的協議。本公司即 HKdotBuy Limited(一點即買有限公司),是本網站的所有權人。香港九龍廣東道5號海洋中心1729室(本文中稱“一點即買有限公司”、“本公司”或“我們”)。
1.2 請仔細閱讀本協議。瀏覽、訪問或使用本網站、通過本網站使用任何設施或享受任何服務、通過本網站進行交易均視為您同意下述全部條款及細則(本文稱“協議”)。本協議在您與本公司之間簽訂。
1.3 本公司保留隨時更改下述條款及細則的權利,您在每次購買優惠券時均有義務閱讀此類條款及細則。對此類條款及細則所作更改將線上公佈。如果您不希望受新條款及細則的約束,您可以通過書面通知本公司(可透過電郵地址 [email protected] 或發送信件至本公司)來終止本協議。但是,繼續享受服務或使用網站或優惠券將視為繼續接受新條款及細則。
1.4 您的法定權利:本協議的全部規定不影響您作為消費者的非排他性法定權利。

2. 定義
2.1 本協議中,我們將採用不同的已定義術語。已定義的術語將通過大寫字母開頭來表示(請參閱英文版本)。具體定義如下:
2.1.1 “違反責任”的定義請參見第 10.11.1 條。
2.1.2 “責任”的定義請參見第 10.11.2 條。
2.1.3 “商家”是指出售可使用優惠券抵用的商品和服務的第三方。
2.1.4 “微型網站”是指作為本公司主網站補充的附屬網站。
2.1.5 “購買”是指購買優惠券的行為。
2.1.6 “註冊”是指“在本網站上創建帳戶”(“註冊行為”是指創建帳戶的行為)。
2.1.7 “服務”是指HKdotBuy通過本網站(或通過 HKdotBuy的其他電子通訊或其他通訊)提供的全部或部分服務,包括網站上的資訊服務、內容和交易能力(包括進行購買的能力)。
2.1.8 “優惠券”是指受相關條款及細則約束,一經購買即可由您本人(而非其他任何人)用於特定商家以抵用該商家提供的優惠券商品的憑證。
2.1.9 “優惠券商品”是指由特定商家提供的、作為優惠券一部分的商品及/服務。
2.1.10 “網站”是指 www.hkdotbuy.com 及其微型網站。
3. 有關網站及其服務的一般事項
3.1 條款及細則的適用性:您對服務的享用、網站的使用及其進行的任何購買將受到本協議所規定條款及細則的約束。
3.2 年齡:要使用本網站並購買任何優惠券,必須年滿十八歲。
3.3 場所:本網站、服務及其購買僅適用於從香港特別行政區訪問網站的物件。我們未作出服務(或任何商品或服務)可由香港特別行政區以外的國家或地區獲得或適用於這些國家或地區的聲明。如果您選擇從香港或澳門之外的地點訪問網站(或享用服務或進行購買),將視為您自行作出選擇、自行承擔後果並且承諾遵守全部適用法律。
3.4 範圍:本網站、服務和任何購買僅用於您的非商業個人用途,不得用於任何商業目的。為避免疑義,不允許從本網站竊取資料(或對本網站進行駭客攻擊)。
3.5 使用限制:本公司保留阻止您使用網站、享用服務(或其中一部分)、進行購買的權利。
3.6 設備:服務、網站的使用以及購買的進行不包括電腦的提供或訪問網站、享受服務或進行購買所需其他任何設備的提供。要使用網站、享受服務或進行購買,您需要進行互聯網連接和相應的電信連結。本公司對於您所發生的電話費、電信費或任何其他費用概不負責。
4. 註冊和帳戶
4.1 註冊原因:您通常無需進行註冊即能使用網站的部分功能或享受大部分服務。但是,要從本網站進行購買必須進行註冊。原因是為了便於本公司能快速列印您的訂單、查看你的購買歷史情況以及修改您的首選項。我們保留隨時拒絕註冊或取消現有註冊的權利。
4.2 註冊方法:為了進行註冊,您需要向本公司提供姓名、電郵地址、付款資料,可能還需要提供一些其他個人資訊。有關詳細資料,請參閱本公司的私隱權政策。
4.3 密碼:完成註冊後,本公司會為您的帳戶指定一個密碼。您必須妥善保管此密碼,如果任何授權的第三方知悉您的密碼、對您的電子郵箱進行非授權使用或違反安全有關規定,在您知情的情況下,請立即通知本公司。您同意將您的使用者姓名或密碼披露給經授權的任何人將作為您享受服務、使用網站及/或通過服務和網站進行交易的代理人。請注意,您將對因密碼保管不當造成的一切行為負全部責任。
4.4 有效的電子郵箱:所有帳戶必須通過常用的電子郵箱進行註冊,目的是為了確保可將變更有關事項發送到該註冊電子郵箱。使用他人電子郵箱或暫時電子郵箱進行註冊的任何帳戶可能在不事先通知的情況下被關閉。在本公司認定某電子郵箱無效時,將要求用戶對帳戶進行重新驗證。
4.5 關閉帳戶: 如果本公司認定某使用者使用代理 IP(互聯網協議位址)以註冊多個帳戶或對本網站或服務造成任何干擾,本公司將保留關閉該帳戶的權利。
4.6 重複登錄:如果您進行重複登錄以干擾社區或妨礙其他使用者,您的全部帳戶將承受不利後果。

5. 購買優惠券
5.1 請先註冊:HKdotBuy通過本網站出售優惠券,該優惠券可用於兌換商家的優惠券商品。但是,為了從網站進行購買,您必須進行註冊。
5.2 電子郵件:本公司將根據下述各項向您發送管理和促銷電子郵件。如果您通過本公司網頁提交電郵地址來選擇接收此類電子郵件,本公司可能會向您發送有關您帳戶交易情況的資訊,此外,還有可能會想您發送與本網站及其服務、優惠券以及其他促銷相關的更新資訊。如果您不希望接收促銷電子郵件,您可以取消訂閱透過電郵地址 [email protected] ,註明您希望不再接受此類電子郵件。如果您希望取消本公司的促銷電子郵件,您還可以通過點擊此類電郵底部的“取消訂閱”連結來進行。
5.3 優惠券交易完成後:購買優惠券時,您確認接受條款及細則並且本公司收到您的付款(通過借記卡、信用卡或其他付款方式)之後,本公司會向您發送一封電子郵件以確認該交易,此時才視為交易完成(視為本公司確認該交易並作出交易合同)。本公司將保留該合同的副本。您隨時可從本公司網站列印所述的條款及細則用作備份。
5.4 如果您確實希望取消已購買的優惠券,您必須透過網址 [email protected] 告知本公司您要進行的取消。 無論任何情況,本公司僅在該優惠券未使用之前接受和處理您的取消請求。對於錯誤的取消請求,本公司同樣概不負責。
5.5 本協議的適用:進行購買即視為您同意購買行為受本協議約束。
5.6 抵用:購買完成後,您即可使用優惠券在優惠券上列明的商家進行抵用。優惠券上列明該優惠券可進行抵用的商品及其有效期限。優惠券必須在優惠券上列明的有效期限內使用,對於已過期、未使用的優惠券,您無權要求本公司作出任何退款或進行任何賠償。如果您對優惠券的使用違反本協議的條款及細則,本公司或商家將有權認定該優惠券無效。
5.7 責任:商家(而非 HKdotBuy ):
5.7.1 是優惠券商品的供應商;
5.7.2 對於向您提供優惠券商品以及優惠券商品本身負全部責任;以及
5.7.3 對於您從本公司購買的優惠券的使用負全部責任。
5.8 本公司並非商家的代理人。如果優惠券商品包括酒類的銷售/提供,該銷售及/或提供由該商家作出而非由本公司作出,該公司負責確保與該銷售/提供相關的一切事項遵守所有適用法律。如果優惠券商品包括旅遊服務的銷售/提供及/或為另外一人安排通行權,該安排由該商家作出而非由本公司作出,該公司負責確保與該旅遊服務/通行權相關的一切事項遵守所有適用法律。
5.9 限制:(i) 禁止對優惠券進行複製、銷售、轉售或交易。如果試圖進行上述行為,本公司將有權認定該優惠券無效;(ii) 優惠券必須用於優惠券商品的抵用。如果商家允許將優惠券用於抵用非優惠券商品的其他商品和服務,對於優惠券商品與商家所提供商品和服務之間的差價,在使用該優惠券時,將無權獲得與該差價等價的信用、現金或新優惠券等的補償。此外,優惠券僅能進行一次性抵用,不得累積進行抵用。
5.10 組合:商家負責決定優惠券是否可與其他促銷、優惠券、第三方憑證或贈券進行組合。
5.11 優惠券的違失或被盜:對於優惠券或優惠券參考號的違失或被盜,本公司和商家均不負責。
5.12 到期:優惠券(包括但不限於優惠券提供的折扣)將於優惠券上列明到期日。
5.13 優惠券的性質:全部優惠券均為用於進行購買的促銷用優惠券,並受本協議以及有關商家全部條款及細則的約束。

6. 您的義務
6.1 商家條款:商家將制定自身適用的、與商品和服務提供相關的條款及細則,您同意(並且應該)受此類條款及細則的約束。您有義務進行遵守。
6.2 資訊的準確性:您承諾在本協議存續期間,您註冊時提供的全部資訊以及帳戶所涉及資訊的真實性、完整性和準確性,如果您對帳號資訊作出更改導致此類資訊發生變更,將立即通知本公司。
6.3 本網站、服務和優惠券的內容:您有責任確保本網站或服務提供的任何產品、服務或資訊滿足您的特定需求。
6.4 您不得進行的行為:您無條件承諾不會或不允許任何人將服務或網站用於下述各項:
6.4.1 發送或接收任何非法或不雅內容;
6.4.2 發送或接收任何帶有不良、淫穢或脅迫符號的威脅性、嚴重攻擊性內容,發送或接受對任何個人造成褻瀆或誹謗的內容,發送或接受藐視法庭或侵犯機密權、版權、人格權、出版或私隱權或任何其他第三方權利的內容;
6.4.3 發送或接收未(從本公司或第三方)取得全部所需許可及/或批准的內容、構成或縱容將被視為犯罪行為、導致民事法律責任或違反法律規定或侵犯世界上任何國家或地區任何第三方權利的內容;
6.4.4 發送或接收任何會造成技術性傷害的內容(包括電腦病毒、邏輯炸彈、特洛伊木馬程式、蠕蟲、有害元件、損壞數據或其他惡意軟體或有害資料);
6.4.5 造成妨礙,引起不便或不必要的緊張;
6.4.6 攔截或試圖攔截通過電信系統傳輸的通訊;
6.4.7 用於本公司設計意圖或設定意圖之外的用途;
6.4.8 用於任何欺騙性用途;
6.4.9 不遵守公認的互聯網慣例和任何連接網路的慣例;
6.4.10 被視為引起種族、宗教或任何其他少數民族不滿情緒的任何行為,或被視為對任何個人、團體或實體造成不利影響的任何行為。
6.5 禁止性使用:本協議明確規定不得將服務(和網站)以及優惠券用於下述各項,並且您承諾不進行(不允許他人進行)任何下述各項:
6.5.1 服務(或網站)或任何優惠券的轉售;
6.5.2 提供虛假資訊(包括假姓名、假地址及聯絡資料、信用卡/借記卡號碼的虛假使用);
6.5.3 試圖對本公司的安全或網路作出更改,包括查閱您無權接觸的資料、登錄明確規定您無權進行登錄的伺服器或帳戶、威脅其他網路的安全(例如運行掃描);
6.5.4 對服務(或網站)的使用可能或確實對本公司基礎設施造成不合理或不成比例的負擔;
6.5.5 進行網路監控以攔截您本無權獲取的資料;
6.5.6 發送未經請求的郵件資訊,包括向未作出相關請求的個人發送“垃圾郵件”或其他廣告內容。本協議明確規定您不得發送未經請求的集體郵件。包括商業廣告、促銷、資訊公告以及政治或宗教讀物的群發。此類內容僅能發送至作出明確請求的物件。如果接收方要求停止接收此類性質的電子郵件,您將不得繼續向該用戶發送此類電郵;
6.5.7 不管接收方是否願意接收,創建或發送任何類型的“連鎖信”或其他“非法傳銷”郵件;
6.5.8 發送惡意電子郵件,包括向某用戶或網站發送大量電郵;
6.5.9 與本公司或商家進行欺騙性交互或交易(包括聲稱代表您無權約束的第三方或假裝成該第三方進行交互或交易);
6.5.10 對服務或網站(或與二者相關的任何功能)的使用違反本協議的規定;
6.5.11 對郵件標題資訊的未授權使用或捏造;
6.5.12 利用網站及/或服務或任何優惠券參與不法活動;或
6.5.13 限制或禁止任何其他消費者合理使用網站或享受服務。
7. 服務享用和網站使用的準則
7.1 一旦發生錯誤或疏漏,本公司會儘快採取合理措施進行更正。但是,本公司不承諾服務或網站不存在任何缺陷(或優惠券不存在任何錯誤),對於此類錯誤或疏漏,本公司概不負責。如果您發現錯誤或疏漏,請透過電郵地 [email protected] 通知。
7.2 本公司不承諾您對服務的享受或網站的使用不受任何干擾,亦不承諾通過服務或網站傳輸的任何資訊(或消息)將得到準確、可靠、及時的傳輸。
7.3 本公司不承諾服務或網站不攜帶病毒或不攜帶可能對任何技術造成不利影響的其他內容。
7.4 此外,雖然本公司努力確保服務和網站的使用不受干擾,但服務和網站的使用隨時可能暫停、限制或終止。
7.5 本公司保留在不事先通知的情況下,不時對網站上的或作為服務組成部分的資訊或優惠券作出變更、修訂、更換、暫停或刪除的權利。為了進行維修、維護或引進新設施或服務,您對網站及/或服務的使用可能將不時受到限制。本公司將儘快恢復上述使用。對於依賴瀏覽器或其他第三方軟體(包括但不限於 RSS 介面)運行的功能,本公司概不負責。為避免疑義,本公司可能將隨時從網站或服務中撤銷任何資訊或優惠券。
7.6 對於本公司認為可能違反本協議的使用及/或內容,本公司保留對相關使用作出禁止以及對相關內容進行編輯或刪除的權利。
8. 暫停和終止
8.1 如果您(或經過您批准的任何其他人)對網站、服務或優惠券的使用違反了本協議,本公司有權暫停您對(全部或部分)服務及/或網站及/或優惠券的使用。
8.2 如果本公司終止服務、網站或優惠券的使用,除非本公司收到您的保證聲明不再違反本協議(必須為本公司可接受的形式),本公司將拒絕恢復服務、網站或優惠券的使用。
8.3 如果法律執行機構或法庭命令請求或要求 HKdotBuy 有限公司披露違反本協議的個人資訊,HKdotBuy 有限公司將完全予以配合。
8.4 本公司有權立即或隨時進行下述全部或部分事項,不受本第 8 條的限制:i) 暫停服務及/或網站;ii) 暫停您對服務及/網站的使用;iii) 暫停與您有關的個人對服務/網站(無論任何方式)的使用;及 、或 iv) 立即終止本協議;
8.4.1 若您對本協議構成違反;
8.4.2 若本公司基於合理理由認為您已經、可能或將違反本協議所述條款;或
8.4.3 本公司基於合理理由認為您可能已對本公司或任何其他人構成欺詐。
8.5 本公司終止本協議的權利不影響本協議終止前本公司因違反、權利、義務或責任而享有的權利或補償。
9. 免責條款
9.1 您同意免除本公司因下述情形造成的損失、責任或費用:
9.1.1 任何人因下述情形對本公司進行的或威脅到本公司的任何索賠或法律訴訟:
i) 您對服務或網站的使用;
ii) 優惠券的使用;
iii) 通過密碼對服務或網站的使用;
9.1.2 您對本協議的違反。
10. 責任的標準與限制
10.1 本公司承諾:
10.1.1 本公司將採取謹慎態度和合理方式來履行本協議下的義務,以及
10.1.2 本公司有權銷售優惠券,其品質良好並符合設定用途。
10.2 第 10 條(和第 1.4 條)優先於本協議的全部其他條款,並作為與本公司因下述各項所致全部責任以及您排他性求償權的根據:
10.2.1 本公司對本協議的履行、不履行、聲稱履行或推遲履行(包括與本公司提供的網站或服務相關的事項);或
10.2.2 與本協議相關、與簽訂本協議相關或與執行本協議相關的其他各項。
10.3 本協議中的全部條款不得排除或限制本公司對於下述各項所承擔的責任:(i) 欺詐,(ii) 因本公司違反義務造成的人命傷亡;(iii) 違反商品及 /或服務提供相關的法定消費者承諾;或 (iv) 適用法律規定不得除外或限制的任何其他責任(包括但不限於根據第 1.4 條應負的責任)。
10.4 即使第 10.3 條有所規定,對於下述各項,本公司不進行承諾且不負任何責任:
10.4.1 通過服務、網站或其他管道的使用而獲取的任何資訊的準確性、完整性、合目的性或合法性;以及
10.4.2 任何性質任何內容的成功傳輸或接受與否;以及
10.4.3 您對網站上任何資訊或內容的使用(您應自行承擔全部風險並負全部責任);
10.4.4 可使用優惠券的優惠券商品,商家承認的優惠券相關的商品或服務的品質、安全、可用性或其他方面。
10.5 即使第 10.3 條有所規定,按照第 10.6 條,本公司將對您(或任何個人)的有形財產損失或損害不予承認且不負任何責任,但上述損失或損害是由本公司造成的情況除外。
10.6 即使第 10.3 條有所規定,按照第 10.4.3 條和第 10.8 條,在本協議存續期間,由於本公司、處於雇用期限內的本公司雇員、承包商或代理人造成您(或任何其他個人)有形財產損失或損害而應由本公司承擔的責任,總計不得超過 10 港元。出於本第 10.6 條的目的,資料受損壞和資料丟失均不得視為構成財產的物理損害。
10.7 即使第 10.3 條和第 10.4.3 條有所規定,對於本協議規定的任何責任之外的、因違反義務造成的責任將不予承認並予以除外。
10.8 即使第 10.3 條有所規定,對於下述各項本公司將概不負責:
10.8.1 收入損失;
10.8.2 實際或可預見的利潤損失;
10.8.3 合同損失;
10.8.4 金錢使用的損失;
10.8.5 可預見的儲蓄損失;
10.8.6 業務損失;
10.8.7 機會損失;
10.8.8 商譽損失;
10.8.9 信譽損失;
10.8.10 資料所遭受的損失或損壞;
10.8.11 任何非直接或結果性損失;
無論此類責任是否是可預見的、已知的、已預見還是其他性質的,均應除外。為避免疑義,無論此類損失是直接的、間接的、結果性的或其他性質的,第 10.8.1 條至第 10.8.10 條均適用。
10.9 在第 10 條中:
10.9.1 “責任”是指因違反合同、違反義務、賠償或其他與本協議相關、因本協議產生或與本協議有聯繫的任何其他原因而承擔的責任,包括但不限於,本協議明確規定的責任,或因本協議任何條款無效或無法執行而導致的責任;以及
10.9.2 “違反義務”是指:(i) 違反為執行某合同應採取合理措施或合理方式的明示或暗示條款所規定的義務,或 (ii) 違反採取合理措施或合理方式的一般法律義務(而非強制性義務)。
11. 私隱權
11.1 請參閱本公司的 私隱權政策 。該私隱權政策納入本協議並視為本協議的組成部分

12. 廣告
12.1 本公司可能會在網站的不同位置以及您享受服務過程中的不同時段安排廣告。此類位置和時段可能會不時進行更改。對於第三方的商品及服務廣告以及作為優惠券使用物件、由商家提供、您可以使用購買的優惠券進行抵用的商品及或/服務廣告,本公司將始終作出明確的區分。
12.2 您可以隨意選擇或點擊廣告商品和服務。
12.3 廣告可能由代表本公司利益的第三方廣告公司製作。
12.4 如果您點擊促銷電子郵件中的網站廣告連結,將不會洩露任何個人資訊(例如您的姓名、地址。電子郵箱或電話號碼)。但是,代表本公司利益的第三方廣告商或附屬機構將在您的瀏覽器設置一個獨一無二的 Cookie 並對其進行識別。
13. 與其他網站進行交互連結
13.1 網站將包括轉至第三方或第三方所提供資源的連結(統稱為“其他網站”),此類其他網站的連結僅為您方便而提供資訊。對於其他網站或其內容、產品或服務(包括但不限於如 Facebook 的社交網站),本公司無法進行控制,對於與此類網站相關的責任不予承認和承擔,對於您因使用此類網站而遭受的損失或損害,我們概不負責。如果您決定訪問連結至本網站的任何第三方網站,您將自行承擔一切風險。
13.2 本網站(www.hkdotbuy.com)可能連結至微型網站,如果確實有連結,將通過內部或外部超連結進行。
14. 知識產權
14.1 下列各項所包括的知識產權(包括法規、普通法授予的各項權利以及與版權、專利、商標、服務標章、商號及或/或設計(包括“介面外觀”和其他視覺或非文字元素)相關的產權)不論註冊與否均為本公司所有或由本公司獲得許可:(a) 網站和服務,(b) (根據第 14.4 條規定)網站上的或作為服務一部分獲取的資訊內容,(c) 本公司運行的全部資料庫,以及 (d) 全部網站設計、文字和圖形、軟體、圖片、視頻、音樂、聲音、上述各項的選擇與安排、全部軟體編譯、基礎原始程式碼和軟體。您不得並不得試圖取得上述任何知識產權的權利。本公司保留所有權利。
14.2 在未取得本公司書面明示同意的情況下,不得通過任何形式或任何途徑對第 14.1 條所述的任何內容進行重現、再分配、複印、分銷、再版、下載、展示、張貼或傳輸、出售、租賃、轉授、創建衍生品,也不得對其進行任何開發。但是,您可以通過電腦螢幕(包括平板裝置或智能手機)檢索和顯示網站的內容,將此類內容以電子形式存儲在磁片中(但不得存儲在連接至網路的任何伺服器或其他存放裝置中)或出於個人目的而非商業目的對此類內容進行複印,但規定,您必須保證全部版權和知識產權的完整性。在未取得本公司許可的情況下,您不得出於商業目的對網站上的或作為服務一部分獲取的任何內容進行重現、更改、複製、分銷或使用。
14.3 HKdotBuy 有限公司名下的全部權利(包括商譽以及相關商標)均為本公司所有或由本公司獲得許可。網站上提及的其他產品和公司名稱為第三方的商標或注冊商標。
14.4 與服務所使用內容相關的標題、所有權和知識產權是相關內容所有人或商家的財產,並可能受適用版權或其他法律法規的保護。根據第 14.2 條所述的限制性權利,本協議下您對此類知識產權無任何所有權。
14.5 網站網頁上文學和藝術作品的作者主張其享有署名為作品作者的著作精神權利。
14.6 您通過網站或其他方式向本公司發佈或提交的任何內容(本協議稱“內容”)均被視為(以及被本公司視為)非機密資訊(受資料保護法律規定的本公司義務的約束)。您承諾本公司享有一項無需支付版稅、永久性、不可撤銷、非排他性的許可,根據該許可,本公司可在全球使用、複製、更改、採用、翻譯、出版、銷售任何內容(而非構想)。
14.7 對於因 (i) 您向本公司披露或提供;(ii) 根據本公司針對服務或網站做出的有關請求而產生的全部評論、建議、構想、備註、繪圖或概念(本協議稱“構想”),如果其中存在知識產權,應視為並持續作為本公司財產,您將構想所涉及的現有和未來可能發生的知識產權轉讓給本公司。您必須按照本公司的合理請求採取一切措施以確保將來將此類權利轉讓給本公司。您理解並同意,對於已經開發的或將來可能開發的、與構想相同或相似的構想,本公司擁有其內部資源和其他外部資源,本公司僅同意根據此處所述條款來處理構想。不管在何種情況下,任何構想均非作為機密提交,本公司對於構想的處理概不承擔任何明示或暗示的義務。本公司將無條件、排他地享有任何種類、任何性質的構想在全球現有的或將來發生的相關權利,有權取消對使用構想的限制並將其用於任何目的(商業或其他),並且無需向構想提供人作出任何補償。
15. 總則
15.1 解釋:對於本協議:
15.1.1 對人的指稱包括自然人、合夥企業、法人團體和個人組成的非法人協會;
15.1.2 條款標題(例如本條款開頭的“15. 總則”)和條款主題(例如第 15.1 條開頭的“解釋”)僅以便查考,不構成本協議的一部分,也不得影響本協議的解釋;以及
15.1.3 對“包含”和“包括”的引用應分別視為“包含但不限於”和“包括但不限於”。
15.2 無合夥企業/代理人的規定:本協議的全部條款均不得視為在您與本公司之間建立合資企業、合夥企業或代理人關係,任何一方均無權以對方名義或代表對方發生任何債務、費用或簽訂任何合同或作出其他安排。
15.3 其他條款的排除:法規、普通法或其他規定明示或暗示的全部承諾、條件和其他條款,除非本協議有明確表述,均在法律允許的範圍內最大限度地排除在本協議之外。
15.4 轉讓:您不得對本協議下的全部或部分權利或義務進行轉讓、委託和其他處理。本公司有權按照本協議將自身權利或義務轉讓或委託給任何人。
15.5 不可抗力:對於因違反本協議規定義務而導致的責任,如果本公司無法或不能履行相關義務是由於超出本公司能力範圍的事項造成的,包括雷暴、火災、洪水、惡劣天氣、罷工、封鎖、勞資糾紛、天災、戰爭、暴亂、內亂、蓄意損壞、電信或電腦系統故障、法律遵從、事故(或由上述任意事項所導致的損害),本公司將概不負責。
15.6 協議的完整性:本協議(和本公司的私隱權政策)包括相關各方對標的物達成的全部條款,並優先於且排除協議雙方此前簽訂的任何協議、達成的任何諒解或作出的任何安排,不管此類協議、諒解或安排是口頭的還是書面的。除非本協議有明確規定,將視為協議雙方在本協議之前未通過口頭或書面作出或暗示任何陳述、保證或承諾。但是,本公司將按照不時在網站上公佈的營運規定、政策和程式向您提供服務。
15.7 非免責條款:本公司對您在本協議下任何過失的免責不得作為或視為本公司對將來類似或不同性質的過失作出免責。本公司對您所作的時間承諾或其他寬限或寬容無論如何不得視為對您本協議下義務的解除、免除或產生其他影響。
15.8 通知:除非本協議另有規定,協議一方對對方的通知應通過書面作出並親自遞送,或通過電子郵件(但您出於法律程式的目的向我方作出通知的情況除外)、傳真或預付信件進行遞送,遞送地址為您向本公司提供的地址或本公司註冊辦公地址。
15.9 第三方權利:本協議全部規定將同樣適用於 HKdotBuy 、子公司、控股公司、上述實體的附屬公司及其第三方內容提供者和許可方,上述各個實體均有權直接或代表自身利益主張和執行本協議所述規定(但可在不事先通知上述各方的情況下變更或取消本協議)。根據之前的表述,按照《1999 年合同(第三方權利)法案》,本協議的條款不得由並非本協議簽訂方的任何人執行。
15.10 存續:不管在何種情況下,本協議第 1、第 2、第 5.7、第 5.8、第 5.9、第 5.10、第 5.11、第 5.12、第 6.1、第 9、第 10、第 14 和 15 條的規定以及明確規定在到期或終止後仍將存續或根據其自身性質或語境在終止後仍將存續的規定在本協議終止後將繼續發生效力。如果您繼續使用網站或享受服務,則條款及細則的相關規定將繼續適用於您對網站或服務的再次使用。如果您使用按照本協議購買的優惠券,則適用於優惠券的規定將在本協議終止後繼續發生效力。
15.11 可分割性:如果本協議的某條款被認定違法、無效或不能執行,該條款將單獨失效並不得影響本協議其餘條款的有效性和可執行性。
15.12 管轄法律:本協議(以及您與本公司之間的非合同關係)將受英國法律的管轄並按照英國法律進行解釋,協議雙方同意香港特別行政區的法庭享有專屬管轄權。
16. 其他規定
16.1 網站和服務所有權及營運權均歸HKdotBuy Limited 一點即買有限公司(一家在香港特別行政區進行註冊的公司,註冊地址為香港九龍廣東道5號海洋中心1729室。


Terms and Conditions
1.1 You are reading a legal document which is the agreement between you, the Customer (whom we refer to as "you", "your" or the "Customer" in this document) and us. “Us” refers to HKdotbuy Limited We and we are the owner of this website. Our company’s registered office is at Room 1729 Ocean Center, No 5 Canton Road Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong. (and we refer to ourselves as "HKdotBuy Ltd", "we" or "us" or "our" in this document).
1.2 Please read this agreement carefully. By browsing, accessing or using this website or by using any facilities or services made available through it or by transacting through or on it, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions that appear below (all of which are called the "Agreement"). This Agreement is made between you and us.
1.3 We reserve the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time and it is your responsibility to review these terms and conditions on each occasion you purchase a Voucher. All amendments to these terms and conditions will be posted on-line.. You may terminate this Agreement by written notice to us (either submit ticket in [email protected] or by post) if you do not wish to be bound by such new terms and conditions. However, continued use of the Service or the Website or a Voucher will be deemed to constitute acceptance of the new terms and conditions.
1.4 Your statutory rights: As a consumer, nothing in this Agreement affects your non-excludable statutory rights.
2.1 In this Agreement, we use various defined terms. You will know they are defined because they begin with a capital letter. This is what they mean:
2.1.1 "Breach of Duty" is defined in clause 10.11.1.
2.1.2. "Liability" is defined in clause 10.11.2.
2.1.3 "Merchant" means a third party seller of goods and services for which a Voucher can be redeemed.
2.1.4 "Microsite" means an auxiliary website supplementary to our main website.
2.1.5 "Purchase" means the purchase of a Voucher.
2.1.6 "Register" means "create an account on the Website" (and "Registration" means the action of creating an account).
2.1.7 "Service" means all or any of the services provided by HKdotBuy Ltd. via the Website (or via other electronic or other communication from HKdotBuy Ltd) including the information services, content and transaction capabilities on the Website (including the ability to make a Purchase).
2.1.8 "Voucher" means a voucher subject to these terms and conditions, which, if purchased by you, entitles you (but not anyone else) to redeem it at a particular Merchant in exchange for Voucher Products offered by that Merchant.
2.1.9 "Voucher Products" means goods and/or services offered by a particular Merchant which are described as part of a Voucher.
2.1.10 "Website" means the www.hkdotbuy.com website and any Microsite under the aforementioned website..

3.1 Applicability of these terms and conditions: Use by you of the Service and the Website and any Purchase are each subject to the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement.
3.2 Age: To use the Service and make any Purchase of a Voucher, you must be 18 years of age or over.
3.3 Place: The Website and the Service and any Purchase are directed solely at those who access the Website from Hong Kong S.A.R.. We make no representation that the Service (or any goods or services) are available or otherwise suitable for use outside of Hong Kong S.A.R.. If you choose to access the Website (or use the Service or make a Purchase) from locations outside Hong Kong / Macau, you do so on your own initiative and are responsible for the consequences and for compliance with all applicable laws.
3.4 Scope: The Website, Service and any Purchase are for your non-commercial, personal use only and must not be used for business purposes. For the avoidance of doubt, scraping of the Website (and hacking of the Website) is not allowed.
3.5 Prevention on use: We reserve the right to prevent you using the Website and the Service (or any part of them) and to prevent you from making any Purchase.
3.6 Equipment: The Service and use of the Website and the making of any Purchase does not include the provision of a computer or other necessary equipment to access the Website or the Service or to make any Purchase. To use the Website or Service or to make a Purchase, you will require Internet connectivity and appropriate telecommunication links. We shall not be liable for any telephone costs, telecommunications costs or other costs that you may incur.

4.1 Why the need to register: You do not need to Register to use much of the functionality of the Website or to access much of the Service. However, you must Register in order to make a Purchase from the Website. This is so that we can provide you with easy access to print your orders, view your past purchases and modify your preferences. We reserve the right to decline a new Registration or to cancel an existing Registration at any time.
4.2 How to register: To Register you need to supply us with your name, email address, payment details and possibly some other personal information. See our Privacy Policy for more details about this.
4.3 Passwords: Once you finish Registration, we will allocate a password to you and your account. You must keep the password confidential and immediately notify us if any authorized third party becomes aware of that password or if there is any unauthorized use of your email address or any breach of security known to you. You agree that any person to whom your user name or password is disclosed is authorized to act as your agent for the purposes of using (and/or transacting via) the Service and Website. Please note that you are entirely responsible if you do not maintain the confidentiality of your password.
4.4 Valid email addresses: All accounts must be registered with a valid personal email address that you access regularly, so that, among other things, moderation emails can be sent to you. Any accounts which have been registered with someone else’s email address or with temporary email addresses may be closed without notice. We may require users to re-validate their accounts if we believe they have been using an invalid email address.
4.5 Closing accounts: We reserve the right to close accounts if any user is seen to be using proxy IPs (Internet Protocol addresses) in order to attempt to hide the use of multiple registration accounts, or disrupts the Website or the Service in any way.
4.6 Multiple logons: If you use multiple logins for the purpose of disrupting a community or annoying other users you may have action taken against all of your accounts.
5.1 Need for Registration: HKdotBuy sells Vouchers via the Website that can be redeemed for Voucher Products from a Merchant. You must Register in order to make a Purchase from the Website.
5.2 Emails: Subject to the following, we will send you administrative and promotional emails. We may send you information regarding your account activity and purchases, as well as updates about the Website and Service and Vouchers as well as other promotional offers after you opt-in to receiving such emails by submitting your email address to us via our webpage. If you do not wish to receive promotional e-mails, you can send an ‘unsubscribe-request’ to [email protected] with your wish to opt out of further emails.
5.3 When a Voucher transaction is complete: When you go through the procedure for purchasing a Voucher, after you have confirmed your acceptance to these terms and conditions and after we have taken payment (by debit card or credit card or whatever) the transaction will be complete only when we email you confirming the transaction (which is our acceptance of the transaction and when a contract for Purchase is made). We keep a copy of the contract between us. You are welcome to print out these terms and conditions from our Website as a record.
5.4 If you do want to cancel the purchased voucher, you must do so by sending us an email to tell us you are cancelling to [email protected]. Your cancellation request will only be accepted and processed prior to your redemption of a Voucher. We also take no responsibility for misdirected cancellation requests.
5.5 This Agreement applies: By making a Purchase, you acknowledge that the Purchase is made subject to this Agreement.
5.6 Redemption: Once you have made a Purchase, the Voucher is redeemable by you from the Merchant stated on the Voucher. The Voucher Products for which the Voucher can be redeemed will be stated on the Voucher, together with the period of validity of the Voucher. The Voucher must be redeemed within the period of validity stated on the voucher and you will not be entitled to any refund or credit from us for unused vouchers which have expired. Any attempt by you to redeem a Voucher contrary to the terms and conditions of this Agreement may render a Voucher void at our or a Merchants discretion.
5.7 Responsibility: The Merchant, and not HKdotBuy Limited, is:
5.7.1 the supplier of the Voucher Products;
5.7.2 solely responsible for supplying you with the Voucher Products and for the Voucher Products themselves; and
5.7.3 solely responsible for redeeming any Voucher you Purchase from us.
5.8 We do not act as agent for the Merchant. Where a Voucher Product includes the sale and/or supply of alcohol, that sale and/or supply is made by the Merchant and not by us and the Merchant is responsible for complying with all applicable laws relating to that sale/supply. Where a Voucher Product includes the sale/supply of travel services and/or arranges for another person a right of passage, the supply of services and/or arrangements is made by the Merchant and not by us, and the Merchant is responsible for complying with all applicable laws relating to the travel services/right of passage.
5.9 Restrictions: (i) Reproduction, sale, resale or trade of a Voucher is prohibited. Any attempt to carry out any of these may void the Voucher at our discretion; (ii) The Voucher must be redeemed for Voucher Products. If the Merchant allows the Voucher to be redeemed for goods and services that are not Voucher Products, there will be no entitlement to a credit, cash or new Voucher equal to the difference between the value of the Voucher Products and the value of the goods and services provided by the Merchant to you upon redemption of the Voucher. Also, Vouchers are redeemable in their entirety only and may not be redeemed incrementally.
5.10 Combination: It is at the discretion of the Merchant to determine whether Vouchers can be combined with any other promotions, vouchers, third party certificates or coupons.
5.11 Lost/stolen vouchers: Neither we nor the Merchant are responsible for lost or stolen Vouchers or Voucher reference numbers.
5.12 Expiry: The Voucher (including, but not limited to, any discounts provided by the Voucher) expires on the date specified on the Voucher.
5.13 Status of vouchers: All Vouchers are promotional vouchers that are offered for Purchase and are subject to this Agreement and to any terms and conditions of the relevant Merchant.

6.1 Merchant terms: Merchants will have their own applicable terms and conditions, in relation to their own supply of their goods and services, and you agree to (and shall) abide by those terms and conditions. The responsibility to do so is yours alone.
6.2 Accurate information: You warrant that all information provided on Registration and contained as part of your account during the course of this Agreement is true, complete and accurate and that you will promptly inform us of any changes to such information by updating the details in your account.
6.3 Content on the Website and Service and Vouchers: It is your responsibility to ensure that any products, services or information available through the Website or the Service meet your specific requirements.
6.4 Things you cannot do: Without limitation, you undertake not to use or permit anyone else to use the Service or Website:
6.4.1 to send or receive any material which is not civil or tasteful;
6.4.2 to send or receive any material which is threatening, grossly offensive, of an indecent, obscene or menacing character, blasphemous or defamatory of any person, in contempt of court or in breach of confidence, copyright, rights of personality, publicity or privacy or any other third party rights;
6.4.3 to send or receive any material for which you have not obtained all necessary licenses and/or approvals (from us or third parties), or which constitutes or encourages conduct that would be considered a criminal offence, give rise to civil liability, or otherwise be contrary to the law of or infringe the rights of any third party in any country in the world;
6.4.4 to send or receive any material which is technically harmful (including computer viruses, logic bombs, Trojan horses, worms, harmful components, corrupted data or other malicious software or harmful data);
6.4.5 to cause annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety;
6.4.6 to intercept or attempt to intercept any communications transmitted by way of a telecommunications system;
6.4.7 for a purpose other than which we have designed them or intended them to be used;
6.4.8 for any fraudulent purpose;
6.4.9 other than in conformance with accepted Internet practices and practices of any connected networks; or
6.4.10 in any way which is calculated to incite hatred against any ethnic, religious or any other minority or is otherwise calculated to adversely affect any individual, group or entity.
6.5 Forbidden uses: The following uses of the Service (and Website) and Vouchers are expressly prohibited and you undertake not to do (or to permit anyone else to do) any of the following:
6.5.1 resale of the Service (or Website) or any Voucher;
6.5.2 furnishing false data including false names, addresses and contact details and fraudulent use of credit/debit card numbers;
6.5.3 attempting to circumvent our security or network including accessing data not intended for you, logging into a server or account you are not expressly authorized to access, or probing the security of other networks (such as running a port scan);
6.5.4 accessing the Service (or Website) in such a way as to, or commit any act that would or does, impose an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our infrastructure;
6.5.5 executing any form of network monitoring which will intercept data not intended for you;
6.5.6 sending unsolicited mail messages, including the sending of "junk mail" or other advertising material to individuals who did not specifically request such material. You are explicitly prohibited from sending unsolicited bulk mail messages. This includes bulk mailing of commercial advertising, promotional, or informational announcements, and political or religious tracts. Such material may only be sent to those who have explicitly requested it. If a recipient asks to stop receiving email of this nature, you may not send that person any further email;
6.5.7 creating or forwarding "chain letters" or other "pyramid schemes" of any type, whether or not the recipient wishes to receive such mailings;
6.5.8 ending malicious email, including flooding a user or site with very large or numerous emails;
6.5.9 entering into fraudulent interactions or transactions with us or a Merchant (which shall include entering into interactions or transactions purportedly on behalf of a third party where you have no authority to bind that third party or you are pretending to be a third party);
6.5.10 using the Service or Website (or any relevant functionality of either of them) in breach of this Agreement;
6.5.11 unauthorized use, or forging, of mail header information;
6.5.12 engage in any unlawful activity in connection with the use of the Website and/or the Service or any Voucher; or
6.5.13 engage in any conduct which restricts or inhibits any other customer from properly using or enjoying the Website and Service.

7.1 We will use reasonable actions to correct any errors or omissions as soon as practicable after being notified of same. However, we do not guarantee that the Service or the Website will be free of faults (or Vouchers will be free of error) and we do not accept liability for any errors or omissions. In the event of an error or fault, you should report it in [email protected]
7.2 We do not warrant that your use of the Service or the Website will be uninterrupted and we do not warrant that any information (or messages) transmitted via the Service or the Website will be transmitted accurately, reliably, in a timely manner or at all.
7.3 We do not give any warranty that the Service or the Website is free from viruses or anything else which may have a harmful effect on any technology.
7.4 Also, although we will try to allow uninterrupted access to the Service and the Website, access to the Service and the Website may be suspended, restricted or terminated at any time.
7.5 We reserve the right to change, modify, substitute, suspend or remove without notice any information or Voucher or service on the Website or forming part of the Service from time to time. Your access to the Website and/or the Service may also be occasionally restricted to allow for repairs, maintenance or the introduction of new facilities or services. We will attempt to restore such access as soon as we reasonably can. We assume no responsibility for functionality which is dependent on your browser or other third party software to operate (including, without limitation, RSS feeds). For the avoidance of doubt, we may also withdraw any information or Voucher from the Website or Service at any time.
7.6 We reserve the right to block access to and/or to edit or remove any material which in our reasonable opinion may give rise to a breach of any of this Agreement.

8.1 If you use (or anyone other than you with your permission uses) the Website or Service or a Voucher in contravention of this Agreement, we may suspend your use of the Service and/or Website (in whole or in part) and/or a Voucher.
8.2 If we suspend the Service or Website or a Voucher, we may refuse to restore the Service or Website or Voucher until we receive an assurance from you, in a form we deem acceptable that there will be no further breach of the provisions of this Agreement.
8.3 HKdotBuy Limited will fully co-operate with any law enforcement authorities or court order requesting or directing HKdotBuy Limited to disclose the identity or locate anyone in breach of this Agreement.
8.4 Without limitation to anything else in this Clause 8, we shall be entitled immediately or at any time (in whole or in part) to: i) suspend the Service and/or Website; ii) suspend your use of the Service and/or Website; iii) suspend the use of the Service and/or Website for persons we believe to be connected (in whatever manner) to you; and/or iv) terminate this Agreement immediately if:
8.4.1 you commit any breach of this Agreement;
8.4.2 we suspect, on reasonable grounds, that you have, might or will commit a breach of these terms; or
8.4.3 we suspect, on reasonable grounds, that you may have committed or be committing any fraud against us or any other person.
8.5 Our rights to terminate this Agreement shall not prejudice any other right or remedy we may have in respect of any breach or any rights, obligations or liabilities accrued prior to termination.

9.1 You shall indemnify us against each loss, liability or cost incurred by us arising out of:
9.1.1 any claims or legal proceedings which are brought or threatened against us by any person arising from:
i) your use of the Service or Website;
ii) the use of a Voucher;
iii) the use of the Service or Website through your password; or
9.1.2 any breach of this Agreement by you.

10.1 We warrant that:
10.1.1 we will exercise reasonable care and skill in performing any obligation under this Agreement, and
10.1.2 we have the right to sell Vouchers and that Vouchers are of satisfactory quality and fit for their purpose.
10.2 This Clause 10 (and Clause 1.4) prevails over all other Clauses of this Agreement and sets forth our entire Liability, and your sole and exclusive remedies in respect of:
10.2.1 the performance, non-performance, purported performance or delay in performance by us of this Agreement (including in relation to the Website or Service supplied by us); or
10.2.2 otherwise in relation to this Agreement or the entering into or performance of this Agreement.
10.3 Nothing in this Agreement shall exclude or limit our Liability for (i) fraud; (ii) death or personal injury caused by our Breach of Duty; (iii) any breach of the statutory consumer guarantees relating to the supply of goods and/or services; or (iv) any other Liability which cannot be excluded or limited by applicable law (including, without limitation liability pursuant to Clause 1.4).
10.4 Save as provided in Clause 10.3, we do not warrant and we exclude all Liability in respect of:
10.4.1 the accuracy, completeness, fitness for purpose or legality of any information accessed using the Service or Website or otherwise; and
10.4.2 the transmission or the reception of or the failure to transmit or to receive any material of whatever nature; and
10.4.3 your use of any information or materials on the Website (which is entirely at your own risk and it is your responsibility);
10.4.4 Voucher Products for which Vouchers may be redeemed and in respect of the quality, safety, usability or any other aspect of the goods or services in respect of which is Voucher may be redeemed by a Merchant).
10.5 Save as provided in Clause 10.3 but subject to Clause 10.6, we do not accept and hereby exclude any Liability for loss of or damage to your (or any person’s) tangible property other than that caused by our Breach of Duty.
10.6 Save as provided in Clause 10.3 but subject to Clauses 10.4.3 and 10.8, our Liability for loss of or damage to your (or another person’s) tangible property caused by us, our employees, subcontractors or agents acting within the course of their employment during the performance of this Agreement, shall not exceed AU$10. Neither corruption of data nor loss of data shall constitute physical damage to property for the purposes of this Clause 10.6.
10.7 Save as provided in Clauses 10.3 and 10.4.3, we do not accept and hereby exclude any Liability for Breach of Duty other than any such Liability arising pursuant to the terms of this Agreement.
10.8 Save as provided in Clause 10.3, we shall have no Liability for:
10.8.1 loss of revenue;
10.8.2 loss of actual or anticipated profits;
10.8.3 loss of contracts;
10.8.4 loss of the use of money;
10.8.5 loss of anticipated savings;
10.8.6 loss of business;
10.8.7 loss of opportunity;
10.8.8 loss of goodwill;
10.8.9 loss of reputation;
10.8.10 loss of, damage to or corruption of data; or
10.8.11 any indirect or consequential loss;
and such Liability is excluded whether it is foreseeable, known, foreseen or otherwise. For the avoidance of doubt, Clauses 10.8.1 to 10.8.10 apply whether such losses are direct, indirect, consequential or otherwise.
10.9 In this Clause 10:
10.9.1 "Liability" means liability in or for breach of contract, Breach of Duty, restitution or any other cause of action whatsoever relating to or arising under or in connection with this Agreement, including, without limitation, liability expressly provided for under this Agreement or arising by reason of the invalidity or unenforceability of any clause of this Agreement; and
10.9.2 "Breach of Duty" means the breach of any (i) obligation arising from the express or implied terms of a contract to take reasonable care or exercise reasonable skill in the performance of the contract or (ii) common law duty to take reasonable care or exercise reasonable skill (but not any stricter duty).

11. Privacy
11.1 Please see our Privacy Policy which is incorporated into and forms part of this Agreement.
12.1 We may place advertisements in different locations on the Website and at different points during your use of the Service. These locations and points may change from time to time. We will always clearly mark distinguish third party advertisements for goods and services from the goods and/or services which are the subject of a Voucher and will be supplied by a Merchant when a Voucher purchased by you is redeemed..
12.2 You are free to select or click on advertised goods and services or not as you see fit.
12.3 Any advertisements may be delivered on our behalf by a third party advertising company.
12.4 No personal data (for example your name, address, email address or telephone number) will be used if you click on any advertising links on the Website on promotional emails. However, on our behalf, a third-party advertiser or affiliate may place or recognize a unique "cookie" on your browser.

13.1 Where the Website contains links to third party sites and to resources provided by third parties (together "Other Sites"), those Other Sites are merely linked to provide information only and are solely for your convenience. We have no control over and do not accept and we assume no responsibility for Other Sites or for the content or products or services of Other Sites (including, without limitation, relating to social networking sites such as Facebook) and we accept no responsibility for any loss or damage that may arise from your use of them. If you decide to access any of the third party websites linked to the website, you do so entirely at your own risk.
13.2 This www.hkdotbuy.com website may make available access to Microsites and if it does, it may do so within or otherwise through external hyperlinks.

14.1 All intellectual property rights (including the various rights conferred by statute, common law and equity in and in relation to copyright, patents, trade marks, service marks, trade names and/or designs (including the "look and feel" and other visual or non-literal elements)) (whether registered or unregistered) in (a) the Website and Service, (b) (subject to Clause 14.4) information content on the Website or accessed as part of the Service, (c) any database operated by us and (d) all the website design, text and graphics, software, photos, videos, music, sounds, and their selection and arrangement, and all software compilations, underlying source code and software (including applets and scripts) are owned by us or licensed to us. You shall not, and shall not attempt to, obtain any title to any such intellectual property rights. All rights are reserved.
14.2 None of the material listed in Clause 14.1 may be reproduced or redistributed or copied, distributed, republished, downloaded, displayed, posted or transmitted in any form or by any means, sold, rented or sub-licensed, used to create derivative works, or in any way exploited without our prior express written permission. You may, however, retrieve and display the content of the Website on a computer screen (including any tablet or smartphone device), store such content in electronic form on disk (but not on any server or other storage device connected to a network) or print one copy of such content for your own personal, non-commercial use, provided you keep intact all and any copyright and proprietary notices. You may not otherwise reproduce, modify, copy or distribute or use for commercial purposes any of the materials or content on the Website or accessed as part of the Service without our permission.
14.3 All rights (including goodwill and, where relevant, trade marks) in the HKdotBuy Limited name are owned by us or licensed to us. Other product and company names mentioned on the Website are the trade marks or registered trade marks of third parties.
14.4 Title, ownership rights and intellectual property rights in and to the content accessed using the Service is the property of the applicable content owner or Merchant and may be protected by applicable copyright or other law. Subject to the limited rights described in Clause 14.2, this Agreement gives you no rights to such content.
14.5 The authors of the literary and artistic works in the pages in the Website have asserted their moral rights to be identified as the author of those works.
14.6 Any material you transmit, post or submit to us either through the Website or otherwise ("Material") shall be considered (and we may treat it as) non-confidential (subject to our obligations under data protection legislation). You grant us a royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive license to use, copy, modify, adapt, translate, publish and distribute world-wide any Material (other than Ideas).

14.7 All comments, suggestions, ideas, notes, drawings or concepts in which intellectual property rights subsist: (i) disclosed or offered to us by you; or (ii) in response to solicitations by us regarding the Service or the Website; (in each foregoing case, these are called "Ideas") shall be deemed to be and shall remain our property and you hereby assign all existing present and future intellectual property rights in Ideas, to us. You must do all things reasonably requested by us to assure further the assignment of such rights. You understand and acknowledge that we have both internal resources and other external resources which may have developed or may in the future develop ideas identical to or similar to Ideas and that we are only willing to consider Ideas on these terms. In any event, any Ideas are not submitted in confidence and we assume no obligation, express or implied by considering it. Without limitation, we shall exclusively own all now known or hereafter existing rights to the Ideas of every kind and nature throughout the world and shall be entitled to unrestricted use of the Ideas for any purpose whatsoever, commercial or otherwise without compensation to the provider of the Ideas.

15.1 Interpretation: In this Agreement:
15.1.1 words denoting persons includes natural persons, partnerships, limited liability partnerships, bodies corporate and unincorporated associations of persons;
15.1.2 clause headings such as ("15. GENERAL" at the start of this Clause) and clause titles (such as "Interpretation:" at the start of this Clause 15.1) are purely for ease of reference and do not form part of or affect the interpretation of this Agreement; and
15.1.3 references to "include" and "including" shall be deemed to mean respectively "include(s) without limitation" and "including without limitation".
15.2 No partnership/agency: Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to create a joint venture, partnership or agency relationship between you and us and neither party shall have the right or authority to incur any liability debt or cost or enter into any contracts or other arrangements in the name of or on behalf of the other.
15.3 No other terms: Except as expressly stated in this Agreement, all warranties, conditions and other terms, whether express or implied, by statute, common law or otherwise are hereby excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.
15.4 Assignment: You may not assign or delegate or otherwise deal with all or any of your rights or obligations under this Agreement. We shall have the right to assign or otherwise delegate all or any of our rights or obligations under this Agreement to any person.
15.5 Force majeure: We shall not be liable for any breach of our obligations under this Agreement where we are hindered or prevented from carrying out our obligations by any cause outside our reasonable control, including by lightning, fire, flood, extremely severe weather, strike, lock-out, labor dispute, act of God, war, riot, civil commotion, malicious damage, failure of any telecommunications or computer system, compliance with any law, accident (or by any damage caused by any of such events).
15.6 Entire agreement: This Agreement (and our Privacy Policy) contains all the terms agreed between the parties regarding its subject matter and supersedes and excludes any prior agreement, understanding or arrangement between the parties, whether oral or in writing. No representation, undertaking or promise shall be taken to have been given or be implied from anything said or written in negotiations between the parties prior to this Agreement except as expressly stated in this Agreement. However, the Service is provided to you under our operating rules, policies, and procedures as published from time to time on the Website.
15.7 No waiver: No waiver by us of any default of yours under this Agreement shall operate or be construed as a waiver by us of any future defaults, whether or a like or different character. No granting of time or other forbearance or indulgence by us to you shall in any way release, discharge or otherwise affect your liability under this Agreement.
15.8 Notices: Unless otherwise stated within this Agreement, notices to be given to either party shall be in writing and shall be delivered by hand, electronic mail (other than, if you are sending a notice to us for the purpose of legal process) sent by fax or by pre-paid post, to you at the address you supplied to us or to us at our registered office.
15.9 Third party rights: All provisions of this Agreement apply equally to and are for the benefit of HKdotBuy Limited, its (or their) affiliates and its (or their) third party content providers and licensors and each shall have the right to assert and enforce such provisions directly or on its own behalf (save that this Agreement may be varied or rescinded without the consent of those parties). Subject to the previous sentence, no term of this Agreement is otherwise enforceable pursuant to the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 by any person who is not a party to it.
15.10 Survival: In any event, the provisions of Clauses 1, 2, 5.7, 5.8, 5.9, 5.10, 5.11, 5.12, 6.1, 9, 10, 14 and 15 of this Agreement, together with those provisions that either are expressed to survive its expiry or termination or from their nature or context it is contemplated that they are to survive such termination, shall survive termination of the Agreement. In the event you use the Website or Service again, then the provisions of the terms and conditions that then apply will govern your re-use of the Website or Service. In the event you use Vouchers bought under this Agreement, then those provisions applicable to Vouchers will survive termination of this Agreement.
15.11 Severability: If any provision of this Agreement is held to be unlawful, invalid or unenforceable, that provision shall be deemed severed and where capable the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions of this agreement shall not be affected.
15.12 Governing law: This Agreement (and all non-contractual relationships between you and us) shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law and both parties hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Hong Kong S.A.R.

16.1 The Website and the Service is owned and operated by HKdotBuy Limited a company registered in Hong Kong S.A.R. whose registered office is at Room 1729 Ocean Center, No 5 Canton Road Tsim Sha Tsui Kowloon, Hong Kong.

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