1. 顧客永遠站於第一位。
2. 貨品絕對優質,到客戶手中前必須經過精挑細選。
3. 為顧客提供至優惠折扣 ,貨比三家。
4. 使買家按時無誤地換領貨品,或以第一時間送抵指定地點。
1. Customers are always first.
2. The products that we sell are of authentic and are in good order.
We aim to ensure the source and that the vendors go through proper vetting before we present them to our customers.
3. To provide the best possible discount available.
At HKdotBuy we aim to provide the lowest discount among similar products that are available in the market.
4. To be delivered or made available for redeem on time as mentioned in the deal.
We will aim to ensure that the products are available for delivery or be available for redemption on the dates stated on the deals.